The face is important, especially in our culture. It can indicate what a person feels, what they are doing (falling asleep, paying attention to something else while you’re talking, getting excited, etc.), ethnic background, age, and even life experience (scars and disease).
Your face is your soul’s mask, and unfortunately, can make or break relationships between individuals, groups, and even nations. Your face is the ultimate badge of “who and what you are” physically, as a human.
Because this site is about living longer, naturally there are some anti-aging practices once can perform to keep their face in tip-top shape. Here are some general solutions for problems of the face. I threw in a little info about teeth as well, because they are obviously an important part of one’s smile. In two books, I go more in-depth on all these topics. Facial health, products and treatment is a popular cultural phenomenon, so I figured I’d join the fray and offer some assistance to those interested. specifically, because of all the popular beauty products and treatments for the face.
Crow’s Feet/Eye Wrinkles
Cause: The skin is losing its ability to hold on to HDEMF. This is also due to simple bone structure, wherein certain face types will be prone to create folds on the sides of the face, like palm creases when balling a fist.
What can help greatly or completely transform: The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol. CC Facial Protocol.
Dark Under-Eye Circles
Cause: Blood is toxic with specific toxins. Skin is deteriorated, and can be most easily seen where the skin becomes super-thin around the eyes, and thus you can see the toxic blood around the eye sockets through the skin, giving a black-eye look. This is common among Indian and other South-Asian people (Indians from India, not Native Americans), because of various cultural, generational habits of diet and health rituals that specifically perpetuate this condition. (I’m part Indian myself, so I can respectfully acknowledge this issue, as I’ve seen it in my family.)
What can help greatly or completely transform: The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol. CC Facial Protocol.
Lopsided Face or Skull
Cause: Various reasons. A primary one is sleep posture as the baby’s skull was developing. It could also be bell’s palsy.
What can help greatly or completely transform: Sleeping on the side of face most heighted (If one side looks more “surprised” and the other looks droopy, sleep on the surprised side). The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol.
The diet and body health methods are needed because it allows the body to correct it’s shape more easily—the body knows when it is misaligned with its template and works to create balance. It’s up to you to give it the tools it needs to balance itself, such as removing toxins and pathogens that force it to spend energy constantly cleaning and healing itself, instead of expending energy simply “holding itself up.” Bell’s Palsy is a viral issue that can be easily dealt with, however. I will do a public demonstration on curing that disease sometime after the cancer demo.
The lopsided skull issue is what I call an “almost-permanent body problem.” Meaning that the best thing to do is either work to develop technology that can safely reconstruct—that is, remove, regrow, and reposition—the human skull, or make peace with this circumstance. You have the right to change what you want with your body, but you must also accept that you don’t have to change anything, and that not every “issue” is an issue. If your face is hopelessly lopsided, look at it face-to-face in the mirror, laugh at it, love it, and move on.
Personal Story: My face used to be a bit more lopsided than it is now, and I remember at the time trying different ways to align it, with some success. I used to and still do love to laugh at myself; I’d look in the mirror and say “I look like a fuckin’ Picasso painting!” Lmao! You’ve got to laugh at yourself. I’m a man and it’s different for us—you can be on the cover of GQ as the top, hottest blah-blah-blah with grey hair and a full face of wrinkles, but I know how bothersome an issue like this can be, especially for a woman, and especially for a woman looking to work in media. (I’ve heard all sorts of stories.) Just know this: there are people with lopsided faces doing all sorts of work, even on TV, such as Shannen Doherty. Don’t let it get you down. Do what you can, laugh about it, love yourself anyway, and move on.
Cystic or Regular Acne
Cause: Pathogens have colonized your body from head to toe, and are quite literally bursting out the seams. There are bacteria living inside your dermis, and are being fed by what you eat and drink. I know it sounds alarmistic, but it’s the truth—the same set of pathogens responsible for pimples is also responsible for bad breath, smelly armpits, dandruff, earwax, tooth decay, crusty eyes, floaters, hemorrhoids and smelly feet. So yes, the body has been colonized from head to toe, and is bursting from the seams with these pathogens.
What can help greatly or completely transform: The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol. CC Facial Protocol.
Eczema, Dermatitis, Cradle Cap, Dandruff, and other Skin issues involving excessively flaky skin.
Cause: Pathogens have colonized your body, and there is a high amount of toxins in the body, causing skin damage when the body attempts to expel them through the pores.
What can help greatly or completely transform: The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol. CC Facial Protocol.
Cause: Pathogens have colonized your body, and there is a high amount of heavy metal toxins in the body, causing skin damage.
What can help greatly or completely transform: Detox. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol.
Chapped Lips
Causes: Dehydration, lack of HDEMF retention, and pathogen colonization.
One wouldn’t assume chapped lips could be such an ailment, but I have observed that when depath-detoxed properly, it’s hard to chap your lips, even if they are dry or if you lick them a lot.
What can help greatly or completely transform: The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol.
All the various lip balms aren’t a long-lasting solution, but work well for immediate relief. The substance will most likely rub off easily, and then you have to keep using it over and over unless you eat sticky or oily food that gets on your lips when not using the balm. The constant dryness is a pathogen issue, not a lack-of-oil issue.
Yellow Teeth and Tooth Decay
Causes: The yellowing can be due to simple food and drink stains or pathogen colonization of mouth. All tooth decay is because of pathogen colonization of the mouth.
I’ve noticed that when properly detox-depathed, the teeth don’t stain as easily, and when stained, the stain doesn’t last as long as when not detox-depathed.
What can help greatly or completely transform: The divinity diet. Detox. Depath. Detox-depath. CC Detox-Depath Protocol.
Sagging Facial Muscles, and Unfunctional Wrinkles
Causes: The skin lacks HDEMF retention. The body has been colonized by pathogens, and there are toxins in the blood.
Most wrinkles are the result of sagging facial muscles, and less because of sagging skin. This can be seen when a severely obese person loses weight in a short time period, and their skin is flabby, yet their muscles are tight, so they don’t “look old.”
Some wrinkles are functional, and some unfunctional. Functional wrinkles are what result in palm lines and knuckle-skin creases. Unfunctional wrinkles represent aging, rather than the body’s motive range.
The reason I put “Detox. Depath. Detox-depath.” is because you can see great difference with just one or the other. In that specific example, you don’t need to kill tons of pathogens to help transform the ailment and you don’t need to remove many toxins, but either or both will create significant change.
So, as you may have noticed, most of facial issues has to do with pathogens and toxins. As is with all health and aging issues, it’s mostly just ruinae.